Dr. Mavrick Lobe

- Regenerative Medicine
- Adult Stem Cell Orthopedics (ASCT)
- Stem Cell Facial
- Stem Cell Facelift
- PRP Therapy
- Prolotherapy & Injection Therapy
- Adipose Stem Cell Injections
- IV Therapies & Chelation
- Male Hormone Replacement Therapy
- Manual Medicine
Santa Fe, NM/1990-1991
Santa Fe, NM/1992-1995
Craniosacral Therapy
Upledger Institute/Albuquerque, NM/03/1995
Cervical injuries, Postural Analysis & Pelvic Stabilization
Shoulder, upper torso, spinal column, and extremities
St. John’s Neuromuscular Therapy Institute/Albuquerque, NM/1996
Skeletal Mechanics/ cervical and thoracic sprain, strain, and whiplash injuries diagnosis and treatment
Jan Sultan, Certified Advanced Rolfer/Santa Fe, NM/05/1993
Cervical Thoracic, Costeothoracic, Lumbar, Sacrum, and Extremities, Orthopedic evaluation and osteopathic correction techniques
Asher Katz, N.D./Santa Fe, NM/1992
Orthopedic and Neurological Evaluation
Jonas Skardis, D.O.M./Santa Fe, NM/02/2006
Clinical Application & Injection Techniques/ Neural Therapy, Peripheral nerve, Mesotherapy, and Myofascial injection,
Jonas Skardis, D.O.M./Santa Fe, NM/01/2006
Prolo Therapy/ Lowback, Ankle, Knee, Hip, Shoulder
Jonas Skardis, D.O.M./Santa Fe, NM/02/2006
Regenerative Injection Therapy, Mesotherapy, Neural Therapy, Advanced Injection Techniques
Jonas Skardis, D.O.M,/Santa Fe, NM/08/2007
Pharmacology, application and clinical use of cosmetics, over the counter, and dangerous drugs
Richard Roper, R.Ph./Santa Fe, NM/01/2006
New Mexico Pharmaceutical Law
Paul Therkidsen, R.Ph./Santa Fe, NM/01/2006
Bioidentical hormones: Pratical Applications in Menopause
Tori Hudson, N.D./Portland, OR/04/2007
Oxidative and Ultraviolet Medicine
Frank Shallenberger, M.D., H.M.D./Carson City, NV/04/2007
Metal Detoxification and Chelation Therapy Certification Program
American College for the Advancment of Medicine/San Diego, CA/04/2007
Injection Therapys, Phlebotomy, and IV techniques.
Siri Khalsa, E.N.M.U./Espanola, NM/06/2007
IV Therapies: Nutritive, Oxidative, Chelation.
Suzanne Berry, D.O.M./Espanola, NM/06/2007
Compounding, Storage, Safety, Injectable Drugs.
Jake Mossman, R.Ph./Taos, NM/07/2007
Functional Endocrinology, Lab Testing, and Diagnostic Evaluation.
Datis Kharrazian, DC./Denver, CO.
Bioidentical Hormones: Endocrinology, Pathology, Clinical Strategies
Tori Hudson, N.D./ Albuquerque, NM/12/2007
NATI Module I: Naturopathic Injection Therapies; included myofacial trigger point injections, neural therapy, regional anesthesia, nerve blocks, and French mesotherapy
Naturopathic Academy of Therapeutic Injection/Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine/Tempe, AZ/05/2007
NATI Module II: RIT for the Extremities; included injection based tissue regeneration procedures for extremity joints
Naturopathic Academy of Therapeutic Injection/ Vancouver, BC/10/2007
NATI Module IV: Advanced Treatment Methods for the Cervical, Thoracic, and Costochondral Regions; included rib & spinal injections, and tissue matrix platelet-leukocyte autografting
Naturopathic Academy of Therapeutic Injection/National College of Naturopathic Medicine/Portland, OR/05/2009
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound/ Extremities/Hip/Shoulder
Gloria Valdes/Great Lakes Musculoskeletal Ultrasound/Biosound Esaote
Indianapolis, IN/12/2010
MSKUS/Cadaver Course/Ultrasound Guided Advanced Injection Techniques/
Dr. Tomas Clark/Fort Worth, TX/02/2011
Manual Manipulation for DOM’s/ Cervical Spine Shoulders, Thoracic and Lumbar
Spine, Hips Pelvis, Extremities.
Don Smith, LMT/04-06/12
Virginia Osborne, ND/Clinical Applications and Advanced Topics of IV Nutrient Therapy/Portland,OR/10/5-6/2013
Facial injection Techniques/Vampire Face Lift/PRP/Mohamed Yousseff, MD/Dallas,TX/2/15/2015
Upper Extremity, Cervical and Thoracic Spine/Prolotherapy Intensive/Injection Techniques/ C-Arm injection techniques/Thomas Raven /6/14-15-16/2014
Regenerative Medicine Training Institute/Regenerative Medicine for Orthopedics and Sports Medicine/ PRP, Adipose, and BMAC science, harvesting and applications/Portland,OR/10/17/2015
Autologous Adipose-Derived Adult Stem Cell Therapies/Science /Harvest/Application/Injection Techniques
Harvest Technologies, Santa Fe NM, 12/14/2015
Dr. Mohsin Syed, DS/Vampire Face Lift Injection Techniques/Liposuction, PRP, Adipose Preparation/ Harvest System/Midland,TX/ 9/18/2016
Autologous Adipose-Derived Adult Stem Cell Therapies/Harvest/Preparation/Application/Administration/Injection Techniques
Noel Peterson/Portland OR/04/06/2017