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Stem Cell Facelift

The Stem Cell Facelift offers a way of restoring shape, and improving tone and texture, as well as literally rejuvenating new and younger tissue!

Why look for a better way to rejuvenate the face?
The Stem Cell Facelift is Non-Surgical and uses your own Stem Cells

Cosmetic surgery often drastically alters the appearance of the face. The look of a surgical facelift often leaves you with a wind blown plastic appearance, which is irreversible. Botox poisons the local tissue and paralyzes facial expression.

Why not simply naturally restore the collagen, elastin, and volume to your face?
Hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers such as Juvaderm or Restaline lift the skin away from the bone to restore youthful volume and shape. However, HA fillers can cause under-eye mounds, discoloration and persistent hard nodules. They can also trigger a host of auto immune responses. The injector of HA fillers can chase a wrinkle and create a shape that looks foreign to the person’s face. HA fillers do nothing to improve skin tone and texture.

Why choose the Stem Cell Facelift?
As we age Facial shape collapses and droops as muscle and collagen decrease, our skin looses its sheen, becomes worn, tired, and wrinkled because of less blood flow. The lively, rosy hue of youth fades to a fatigued dull gray deeply wrinkled appearance.

How the Stem Cell Facelift procedure is done with Dr. Mavrick Lobe
• Dr. Lobe draws a small volume of blood (for sculpting and filling, Adipose tissue is also drawn via lipo-asperation.)
• It is then spun down in a centrifuge to isolate the stem cells and platelets.
• Dependent on desired outcome, these potent stem cell matrix’s are injected throughout the face as a sculpting filler for the lips and deep and superficial lines, forming new collagen, new fatty tissue (for suppleness and volume) and new blood vessels for a vital rejuvenated skin tone and texture.

What can I Expect following a Stem Cell Facelift?
You can expect minimal to moderate post treatment discomfort:
• Possible numbness or tingling for 4-6 hours
• Some redness and swelling for 24-48 hours
• Minimal to moderate bruising usually subsiding over 4 days

Discuss your goals with Dr. Lobe he will guide you to achieve the optimal Stem Cell Facelift results.